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MediNurse bietet umfassende Beratung für Arbeitgeber und Pflegekräfte

MediNurse is a reliable partner committed to recruiting highly qualified nurses and recruiting young talent to work in your healthcare facility.

Our Nurses in the Talentpool

Vollständig anerkannte Pflegekräfte für den deutschen Arbeitsmarkt

Fully recognised Nurses

  • 100% recognition of their professional qualifications

  • No notice of deficit, no knowledge test and no adaptation period required

  • Immediately ready for permanent employment

Pflegekräfte mit fehlendem Anerkennungsbescheid – wir unterstützen bei der Anerkennung

Nurses with a deficit

  • Partial recognition of their professional qualifications

  • Knowledge test or adaptation period are required

  • Immediately ready for permanent employment

Our Recruitment Process for Nurses

Professionelle Beratung zur Personalvermittlung und Anerkennung ausländischer Pflegekräfte.

You’ll receive a detailed consultation on our process and terms, covering everything needed to hire a foreign skilled nurse. We address your specific needs and begin recruitment upon agreement.

Effektives Onboarding für Pflegekräfte aus dem Ausland – Für einen erfolgreichen Einstieg.
On Boarding

Upon completing all necessary steps, we assist candidates with their work visa applications. After arrival, we also support you and your employees with official appointments and integration into the new work environment.

Erfolgreiche Integration ausländischer Pflegekräfte in deutsche Gesundheitseinrichtungen
Foreign Language 

After the recruitment process, the german/french language courses begin. The foreign nurses take part in german/ language courses with the aim of successfully passing the B1/B2 examination according to CEFR

Langfristige Betreuung und Unterstützung für Pflegekräfte während des gesamten Anstellungsprozesses.

Most of our candidates are fully recognized, but if any certification deficits arise, they complete a knowledge test or adaptation course. We provide virtual support to employees in preparing for these requirements.

Unterstützung im Anerkennungsprozess für ausländische Pflegekräfte in Deutschland.

We coordinate online interviews between you and the candidates, with additional video calls available for any questions. We also monitor candidates' progress and can update you on their development at any time.

Deutschkurse für Pflegekräfte zur Verbesserung der Sprachkenntnisse und erfolgreichen Integration.

We will be happy to assist you with the integration upon request. We will also work very closely with your integration team in order to avoid problems and conflicts on your workplace.

For detailed information about our Nurses, contact us
Our Recruitment Process for Nurse Trainees

Our trainees are already well-integrated into German culture and life and have previous experience in social work within Germany. They meet all the necessary qualifications for the nursing apprenticeship program. Contact us for further information.

Mainzerstr. 75
65189 Wiesbaden
Verbindung von qualifizierten Pflegekräften mit deutschen Gesundheitsdiensten


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Monday - Friday
8 am - 4 pm
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+49 611 16859266
+49 157 32604381
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